SAG mill performance is sensitive to mill filling which influences the ... mill speed, ball size, feed size, ball filling, and mill filling (Morrell et al, 1996; Morrell, 2004, Powell et al, 2001
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829This mill is of the type used for processing cyclone underflow classified from a SAG mill product. Overflow ball mill configuration and model setup. The overflow ball mill used here is a 6 m diameter × 10 m long (external shell dimensions) design as was the case in the last section. The belly liner and end wall lifter
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829The ball mill performance was poor and could be indicated by only 59 % of< 125 µm (target product) in the discharge. ... Grinding circuit, SAG mill, Ball mill, Circuit survey, Bond. work index ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829... Recently, Jahani Chegeni and Kolahi [23] have investigated the effect of seven different types of liners on the performance of industrial scale SAG mills by DEM. They concluded that the...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829A total of 120 t of Cristalino ore was prepared and sent to CIMM, where it was crushed and screened prior to grinding tests. The processing equipment included a m (8′) diameter by m (2′) length AG/SAG mill equipped with a 20 kW motor, a cone crusher, a m (3′) diameter by m (4′) length ball mill equipped with a 15 kW ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Figure 1 Ball mill shells delivered and brought into the mill building. Figure 2 Ball mill cradle being installed. Figure 3 Ball mill shell being lowered into the cradle. Figure 4 SAG mill shell ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829SAG Mill and Ball Mill Case Study By Ingeteam. In September 2011, the company Outotec, located in Espoo (Finland), awarded Ingeteam a contract for the design and supply of the main drive equipment for a SAG mill and a ball mill to be installed in Russia. Outotec is a global leading company that designs and delivers turnkey projects ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829In fact, in four of the surveys, the SAG mill was found to be more efficient at producing circuit product than the ball mill. Similar results have been seen consistently across all the surveys where this approach has been used, including circuits with AG mills, pebble mills, HPGR, stirred mills and ball mills with fine screens. Figure 2 ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829The present study investigates the propensity of predicting ore grindability characteristics and varying pulp densities through acoustic measurements on the Magotteaux ball mill. Specifically, the grinding behaviour of two different mill feeds (model quartz and iron ore) together with solid loadings (50, 57, and 67 wt% solids) were correlated ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829four simulation tasks, consisting of AG, SAG and ball mills are reported. The simulation of AG and SAG mills are completed in less than 8 hours. The ball mill simulation with million spheres is completed in 27 hours. In the near future, these compute times can be halved with the advances in graphic card hardware. KEYWORDS
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829The results showed that the HPGRball mill circuit achieved a 21% reduction in energy consumption over the existing SAGball mill circuit at the same P80 grind size of 160 mircons (μm). At a grind of 80% passing 75 μm, the HPGRstirred mill circuit showed a 34% reduction in energy compared to the base case. The energy reduction for the new ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829SAG mill VS Ball Rod Mill (2 replies and 2 comments) N Nikita Gupta 4 years ago I would like to understand why do companies use SAG mills instead of Rod mills for grinding these days? Apart from the alleviation of need for secondary and tertiary crushers, is there any other reason for inclination towards the installation of SAG mills. SmartDog
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Mill in Brazil and Lumwana having a 38ft, 18 MW SAG and one 26ft, 16 MW Ball Mill in Zambia, all three mills put in operation in 2008, as well as Los Bronces, Confluencia in Chile equipped with one 40ft SAG Mill of 22 MW and two 26ft Ball Mills of MW commissioned in 2011. In the light of increasing interest in that technology various ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Ball mill Most ball mills, even in primary applications, have a finer ore feed size; this requires some impact but not enough to increase the media consumption or even break the liners. Typically, a ball mill lining has a more rounded profile, often like a sine wave, and the size of the waves is selected based on the size of grinding media used.
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829In this work, the milling operation of industrial SAG mills is investigated using the Discrete Element Method (DEM). First, an industrial SAG mill with dimensions of m × m that has a ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829crushed ore is fed into a SAG/Ball mill circuit with a median size of approximately 12,000 microns. Most SAG Mills are operated in closed circuit with a screen. The screen fi lters undersized ore, normally minus ½ inch, to a ball mill discharge sump. The combined mill discharges are pumped to undergo classifi cation, normally via hydrocyclones.
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Dramatic shortcomings of mill liner designs, especially of large SAG mills, such as rapid failure and even mill shell damage arising from impacting of the charge directly on the liner, and unsuitable ... Low Carbon Chrome Moly Steel (300 to 370BHN): Was generally used for mill liners (AG, SAG and Ball) prior to the movement to higher carbon ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Single stage SAG Mills are very beneficial in reducing CAPEX for plants with a staged throughput approach. When future tonnage is to be increased, the SAG Mill can feed downstream ball milling to boost capacity. FullerTraylor SAG/AG Mills range in size from through in diameter with powers as high as 28,000 kW.
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829> Mill throughput and efficiency gains are iterative over time > Mill trajectory modelling based on bar heights, angles, spacing and speed is very predictive > Field trials are the acid test operator, designer and vendor > Optimisation strategy: Maximise impact grinding AG/SAG mills Avoid impact on the shell rather the toe of the charge
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Ball Mills. The ball mill accepts the SAG or AG mill product. Ball mills give a controlled final grind and produce flotation feed of a uniform size. Ball mills tumble iron or steel balls with the ore. The balls are initially 510 cm diameter but gradually wear away as grinding of the ore proceeds. The feed to ball mills (dry basis) is ...
WhatsApp: +86 1883807282930 mm. Installed grinding power is split equally between the two mills with the SAG mill fitted with a variable speed drive (VSD). SAG discharge screen oversize ('pebbles' or 'scats') was recycled through an 185 kW pebble crusher. The circuit was characterised by a high circulating load around the ball mill, with a
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Rod mills: Although rarely used in industrial practice, ALS has 2 x kW rod mills for small (<50 kg/h) throughputs where preferential coarse grinding is advantageous for the downstream processing. Ball mills: Ball mills are the stalwart unit of the majority of pilot grinding circuits. ALS has a range of rubber lined overflow ball mills ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829The three gearless mill drive (GMD) systems are the ABB most powerful ever made. The GMD for the 40foot SAG mill has a power rating of 28 megawatts (MW), and the GMDs for the two 28foot ball mills have a power rating of 22 MW. They are the largest diameter and most powerful SAG and ball mills drive systems at the highest altitude installed to ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829the influence of these factors on speed, lining board, fill level ratio, and steel ball diameter of a SAG mill. Li [7] controlled the cone crusher's eccentric speed and closed side setting (CSS) parameters in the semiautogenous grinding process by dynamically modeling the SAG millpebble crusher loop to improve the SAG mill throughput.
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829one SAG mill ( dia.(m)* length(m)) following two parallel ball mills (5dia.(m)*7lenght(m)). The aim of this research work was to investigate on the ball filling estimation of Miduk semiautogenous (SAG) Mill via an utilized method. Miduk SAG Mill circuit is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Diagram of Miduk Copper Complex
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829The product from the SAG mill is further reduced in size using pebble crushers and ball mills. Hence, typical gold or copper ore requires between and kWh per ton of energy to reduce the particle size. Considering a typical mining operation processes 10,000 to 100,000 tons per day the energy expenditure in grinding is 50 percent of the ...
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829I try to size and select two ball mills, which the first is in open circuit with feed rate of 125 t/h and its discharge goes to the sump of hydrocyclone and together with discharge of second ball mill, enters to the cyclone for classification. the se... SmartDog. Simple answer: yes 125 x =
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829of 4 to 6 mm, based on a normal relationship of screen opening to product size. According to Bond's ball mill equation (Bond, 1961), a coarse correction factor needs to be applied, and efficiency losses over 25% can occur in a ball mill. The savings on SAG mill power are offset by ball milling efficiency losses so the result of making a
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829SAG mill vs Ball mill Both sag mill and ball mil are cyclinder type grinding mill. SAG mills usually have a larger diameter than length. While ball mills have a larger length than diameter, so that there can be more grinding time and finished material could be more finer. stage
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829SAG mill balls experience both significant abrasive and impact wear due to their large (75 100 mm) diameters. Ball mill balls experience a greater number of impacts, but at lower magnitude than SAG mill balls, due to the smaller ball size, and smaller mill diameter. Feeds are typically highly abrasive,
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Ball mill: Ball mills are the most widely used one. Rod mill: The rod mill has the highest efficiency when the feed size is <30mm and the discharge size is about 3mm with uniform particle size and light overcrushing phenomenon.
WhatsApp: +86 18838072829Most SAG mill are not optimized for the combined SAG Ball mill throughput such as: SAG Ball mill % ball content SAG % ore content SAG grate size and end mill design including grate geometry, location, shape, pan cavity, recycle % in pan cavity, et. al. SAG lifter and end cone geometry can change SAG mill performance more than 20%50% ...
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